TOM HOLLAND BIOGRAPHY :-Net worth, early life, family, and more.


Tom Holland is an English actor popularly known as Peter Parker for his role in SpiderMan.
Tom Holland net worth is around $18 million. Tom Holland once dreamed of becoming a dancer. He was suffering from dyslexia in his childhood.

Height:-   5ft 7in 
Gender:- Male 
Date of birth :- June 1, 1996 (26 years old                                                                according to 2022)
Relationship status :- in relation with Zendaya

Tom Holland real name Thomas Stanley Holland ,born in Kingston upon ,Thames, United Kingdom to dominic Holland and Nicola Holland, He is the oldest of there four childrens . Harry Holland, paddy Holland, Sam Holland.

Salary and networth

Tom Holland charges around 4 to 5 million dollars per film.
His network is around 18 million dollars.

World records

Tom Holland's Guinness World records
 1:-he hold the world record for youngest actor who played the role in Marvel cinematic universe (MCU).
 2:-HE ALSO WON THE BAFTA rising star award and made the record for the youngest star to have the award at the age of 20.

Early life

In 2006 Tom Holland was performing at the Richmond dancing festival for  his schoolwas discovered by choreographer Lynne Page. after eight auditions and two years of training he debut in "Billy eillot the musical " as Billy's best friend Michael.
He made a television debut in 2009 as well. After sometimes he got transitions to films, like "The impossible" in which year appeared alongside Naomi Watts.

After winning some awards for few other films ,he  finally became Peter Parker,  the Spider-Man in 2015.

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