BTS Jin vs the models: who styled it better. Shop BTS JIN'S fab fashion for less!

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Years ago when #KIM SEOKJIN was just an okay guy in the industry. He wasn't perfect, but he was determined to become a superstar. And he did just that. He transformed himself from an idol wannabe to a superstar, stealing all the limelight. BTS Jin vs the models getting which one is the best. His transformation is definitely worth watching. nobody knew that he would become a super star one day, and be called "god" "angel" by his fans. They all saw him as just an average guy with no talent in singing or dancing, but with a cute face.

He is immensely talented when it comes to singing and dancing, but we can't deny that he is just as fashionable. His 360° turn in his fashion is something that you have to witness. The best aspect of Jin's fashion is that you would never need to sacrifice your comfort zone.

Today, we are going to take a look at some of those attires that even the top-rated models couldn't manage to just rock but BTS jin just slayed them. Not to mention, you can even get these best of Jin's fashion looks for less.

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The prince in brown 

Jin from BTS! He's known for his unique and often daring fashion sense, and he always looks amazing no matter what he wears.

bts jin
BTS jin

This time, he's rocking a brown suit that is giving us major Mafia Boss vibes. He looks so handsome and stylish, and we can't get enough of it! The suit is perfectly tailored and Jin looks absolutely stunning in it. We can proudly say that he's killing it in this outfit!

                        Shop world wide handsome's fashion!!  👇                 

If you're looking for some fashion inspiration, be sure to check out Jin's style. He's always ahead of the trends and always looks effortlessly cool. We guarantee you'll fall in love with his style! 

The mix match

bts jin
BTS jin fashion
The k-pop king of visuals, is perfectly describing his titles with their fit. The model me not have left any effort in present in the outfit but the way jin did it no one can ever he is giving the Prince charming vibes and looking at the passion that is reflecting on his face is just so pleasant.
Which one BTS jin or the model you think is the ruler of this attire.
Shops this fab fit of Matnae👇
shop now →
bts jin
jin style
The shirt maybe just complete in itself but the way Jin has flaunted is making it more fashionable. Jin is describing that he make it his simplicity first but fashion is just after it.

Jin takes it to the next level with her unique style. he makes the shirt her own and shows how fashion can be fun.

Shop this attire of mr.shoulder👇

The infamous black affair

bts jin
jin fashion

Jin challenged his inner fashion icon as to just slay this all-black-look. even though the look is all Black but Jin is still shining and forcing all to just look at him. Bringing a bold all-black look to your wardrobe is always a great way to stand out from the crowd. Jin was able to do just that with this look, which features a black ensemble beauty and passion. 

Look up for this dashing look of KIM SEOKJIN 👇

The man in spotlight 

bts jin
BTS fashion 

he want all be bold quotient by opting for this black and red combination. His low-maintenance asthethic look and wavy hair are both perfect touches to this look.

Steal the spotlight just like jin👇 shop this 

The Dot magic

bts jin
BTS vs models 

Jin made this fashion statement very clear "every thing is ugly until jin is going to wear it." . He literally nailed his look. He just effortlessly turned all the head to him and stood out. The fit giving the baby daddy vibes who is re is ready to be the show stopper.

Shop this outfit of Mom of the group 👇


JIN is the man always full with confidence doesn't matter what the situation and that all is truly being reflected in his styling. His fashion style is known for its simplicity and elegance, being noted for his love for designer brands and traditional clothing. Upon revealing Jin’s wardrobe to fans, he is now an icon among young people. Jin has been regarded as a symbol of Korean youth culture due to his natural yet stylish appearance.

Offcourse seokjin is unreal and angelic but the models are good to.

The end comes with the question that is who is the best in your eye BTS Jin vs the models. Comment your opinion 🤔

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