BLACKPINK's Jennie accused of 'copy pasting' Alia Bhatt's Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani theme: She plagiarised Pritam

In a recent turn of events, BLACKPINK's Jennie has been accused of plagiarism. Fans and critics alike are buzzing with allegations that Jennie copied the theme from Alia Bhatt's film, "Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani." The accusations specifically target the striking similarities between Jennie's latest project and the composition by the renowned music director, Pritam, from the Bollywood film.

The controversy ignited when listeners noticed the resemblance in the musical arrangements and themes. Social media platforms quickly became the battleground for heated debates, with some defending Jennie and others firmly standing by the plagiarism claims. Pritam, known for his eclectic and catchy compositions, has yet to comment on the matter.

As the situation unfolds, both BLACKPINK's management and Jennie's representatives are expected to address the allegations. Fans of both Jennie and Alia Bhatt are eagerly awaiting further developments to see how this musical dispute will be resolved.

Stay tuned for more updates on this unfolding story.

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