BLACKPINK’s Lisa Hit With Lip-Sync Accusations At 2025 Oscars


BLACKPINK's Lisa has found herself at the center of a heated debate following her performance at the 2025 Oscars. The K-pop star took part in a tribute to James Bond, where she sang the iconic song "Live and Let Die." However, what should have been a moment of celebration quickly turned into controversy as accusations of lip-syncing began to surface.

During the performance, Lisa captivated the audience with her powerful stage presence and stunning vocals. Yet, some viewers were quick to question the authenticity of her singing. Critics pointed out that her microphone appeared inactive at times, and her vocals sounded too polished for a live performance. These observations led to a flurry of comments on social media, with netizens expressing their disappointment and skepticism.

Despite the backlash, Lisa's fans were quick to come to her defense. They argued that the Oscars is a prestigious event where lip-syncing is not permitted, and artists are required to sing live. Fans also shared clips from audience members that showcased Lisa's live vocals, further proving her talent and dedication. They emphasized that the accusations were merely attempts to discredit Lisa's achievements and that her performance was a testament to her skills as an artist.

As the debate continues, neither Lisa nor her agency has addressed the allegations. Regardless of the controversy, Lisa's appearance at the Oscars marked a historic moment for K-pop, further cementing its presence on the global entertainment stage. Her performance, alongside other artists like Doja Cat and Raye, was a highlight of the evening and showcased the diverse talent in the music industry.

In conclusion, while the lip-syncing accusations have sparked a heated discussion, Lisa's fans remain steadfast in their support, celebrating her achievements and defending her against the criticism. The 2025 Oscars will undoubtedly be remembered not only for the controversy but also for the groundbreaking performances that took place.

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