BLACKPINK's Lisa Shines in Acting Debut at The White Lotus Season 3 Premiere

K-Pop superstar Lisa of the iconic girl group BLACKPINK made her highly anticipated acting debut in The White Lotus Season 3. The talented singer-turned-actress stole the spotlight at the Los Angeles premiere, where she stunned in a custom gown.

Lisa graced the red carpet in a show-stopping, lotus-inspired gown by Miss Sohee, complete with a white sheer corset, a yellow skirt, and an actual white lotus in hand. Her radiant smile and poised demeanor captured the attention of fans and photographers alike as she posed with her co-stars.

Following the premiere, Lisa switched up her look for the after-party, donning a chic black-and-tan Schiaparelli dress featuring a draped white skirt. Known for her incredible energy, Lisa didn't disappoint at the after-party, bringing her signature charisma to the dance floor. A viral clip from the event shows her effortlessly grooving to "Born Again," heating up the room with her moves and popstar swag.

Fans flooded social media with praise, hailing Lisa as "the queen" of the stage. In interviews leading up to the premiere, Lisa admitted to feeling both excited and nervous about her new role, adding an authentic touch to her journey into acting.

The White Lotus Season 3 premieres on February 16, and fans are eagerly anticipating Lisa's acting debut. With her undeniable talent and magnetic presence, there's no doubt that Lisa will continue to make waves in Hollywood and beyond.

Stay tuned for more updates on Lisa's exciting new chapter and her remarkable performances both on-screen and off.

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