BLACKPINK’s Rosé And Olivia Rodrigo’s Bestie Moment Becomes A Hot Topic

 On February 20, 2025, Olivia Rodrigo, the American pop star known for her chart-topping hits like “Driver’s License” and her 2023 album, Guts, celebrated her 22nd birthday. Two days later, BLACKPINK’s Rosé took to Instagram to share never-before-seen photos of her and Olivia from Rosé’s previous birthday party in Los Angeles.

The adorable pictures highlighted their close friendship and were accompanied by a sweet caption from Rosé, wishing Olivia a happy birthday and calling her a "sweet, sweet Pisces girl." Olivia, touched by the gesture, reposted Rosé’s birthday post on her own Instagram shortly after.

This heartwarming interaction between the two pop icons quickly became a hot topic among netizens, with many expressing their excitement over the duo's deep bond. While Rosé and Olivia have been seen hanging out publicly since 2021, Rosé's recent post provided a glimpse into the depth of their friendship, leaving fans giddy and eager for more.

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