The Hot Dog vs. Lip Gloss: Did Selena Gomez X boyfriend Benny Blanco Throw Shade at Hailey Bieber?

The Hot Dog vs. Lip Gloss: Did Selena Gomez X boyfriend Benny Blanco Throw Shade at Hailey Bieber?

The internet is buzzing after Benny Blanco, Selena Gomez's boyfriend and music producer, seemingly shaded Hailey Bieber's new phone case on Instagram. The case, designed to promote her beauty brand Rhode, features a pouch holding a lip gloss tube. Blanco countered with a photo of his own phone case adorned with a diagonally placed hot dog, mirroring the position of the lip gloss.

So, was it shade, or just a playful post? Reactions are mixed. Here's what we know:

On February 11th, 2024, Hailey Bieber began promoting her new Rhode phone case, celebrating the launch of her beauty brand. Days later, Benny Blanco shared his hot dog phone case photo, sparking speculation.
Several factors fueled the "shade" narrative: aare Timing and similarity

The internet erupted with opinions. Some saw it as playful humor, while others perceived it as a petty jab at Hailey and her brand. Fans of both Selena and Hailey voiced their support for their respective idols, further fueling the online debate.
People have mixed reactions on it as some say that

bringing your boyfriend in a never ending drama with your x boyfriend is disgusting.

Selena is a bulling she does  all his meaning  and they play the victim card

Hailey Bieber's Phone Case: Inspiration or copycat ?
Hailey Bieber's new phone case, designed to promote her Rhode beauty brand, has sparked controversy. Accusations of plagiarism have emerged, with artist and writer "Strange Thing" (193k Instagram followers, featured in Vogue and Complex) claiming the design "shamelessly copies" his own. While some see this as a blatant rip-off, others hail it as clever marketing. Let's delve deeper into the accusations and explore the diverse reactions.
Hailey Bieber and her team have not publicly addressed the accusations. However, some fans argue that the design similarities are minimal, pointing to the prevalence of minimalist phone cases and logo placement on various brands. They see it as inspiration, not imitation, and highlight Rhode's innovative incorporation of the lip balm pouch.
Others defend Bieber, applauding her marketing strategy.

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